Esys Srl has obtained certification in accordance with the international standard SA 8000, a standard that has as its cornerstones respect for human rights, respect for workers, protection against the exploitation of minors and guarantees of safety and health in the workplace. Work; it is no coincidence that this standard is based on the ILO Conventions, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Charter of the Rights of the Child. Today more than ever the consumer does not only make a cost-benefit choice of the product or service offered, but literally promotes or rejects a producer based on more global criteria, because among the increasingly determining factors there are choices that involve aspects ethical. It is therefore not just an economic commitment, but the entire corporate culture that must first of all seek its own coherence and its own style. Based on the foregoing, the ESYS communicates the following to the outside world:

  • undertakes not to take advantage of or encourage the use of child labor (ILO Convention 138 “Minimum age for employment”; ILO Convention 182 “Worst forms of child labor”; ILO Recommendation 146 “Health and wealth”);
  • undertakes not to take advantage of or encourage the use of forced labor (ILO Convention 29 “Forced or forced labor”; ILO Convention 105 “Abolition of forced labor”) therefore it does not require staff to leave financial deposits or original identity documents or authorizations at the beginning of the employment relationship;
  • respects the right of workers to join and form trade unions of their choice and the right to collective bargaining (ILO Convention 87 “Freedom of association and protection of trade union rights”; ILO Convention 98 “Right to collective bargaining”) in the ways and times permitted by law ;
  • guarantees that any trade union representatives (ILO Convention 135 “Protection of workers’ representatives”) are not discriminated against in the workplace and that they can communicate with their members;
  • does not discriminate in hiring (ILO Convention 100 “Equality of pay between the sexes for work of equal value”; ILO Convention 111 “Discrimination in matters of employment”; ILO Convention 159 “Professional rehabilitation and employment of disabled people”) in remuneration, access to training, promotion, dismissal or retirement based on race, class, nationality, religion, disability, sex, sexual orientation, trade union membership, political affiliation, age;
  • does not interfere with the personal right (ILO Convention 100 “Equality of pay between the sexes for work of equal value”) to follow principles or practices or satisfy needs related to race, class, nationality, religion, disability, sex, sexual orientation, affiliation trade union, political affiliation;
  • does not allow conduct, (ILO Convention 29 “Forced or Compulsory Labor”) including gestures, language or physical contact, which are sexually coercive, threatening, offensive or aimed at exploitation;
  • does not use or encourage corporal punishment (ILO Convention 29 “Forced or Compulsory Labor”), mental or physical coercion, verbal violence;
  • adapts to working hours (ILO Convention 98 “Right to collective bargaining”) provided for by the laws in force and the standards of the metalworking sector to which they belong;
  • adapts so that the working week is the one established by law, normally not exceeding forty-eight hours;
  • undertakes to ensure that overtime work does not exceed twelve hours per week per employee and is paid with an additional percentage;
  • ensures compliance with minimum wages (ILO Convention 98 “Right to collective bargaining”; ILO Convention 100 “Equality of pay between the sexes for work of equal value”); legal, so that the salary still satisfies the essential and primary needs;
  • guarantees that the deductions from wages are not due to disciplinary purposes and that the pay slip is clear and understandable to all;
  • guarantees that the remuneration is paid according to the legal prescriptions and in any case in the most convenient way for the workers;
  • guarantees that no employment contracts are stipulated that highlight abuse of the type of collaboration relationship, in order not to regularize the employee’s contribution position;
  • ensures that no false apprenticeship schemes are applied, to avoid the fulfillment of labor obligations.

